Lingua Inglese

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the internal wall of the stomach and usually occurs when the defensive barrier of the stomach weakens, allowing gastric acids to reach the gastric wall and inflame it. It can manifest itself in ana acute or chronic form.

Acute gastritis involves symptoms that appear suddenly and generally tends to resolve itself in a short period of time; however, the chronic one develops slowly and lasts for long periods.
Causes of acute gastritis
Unbalanced diet, rich in irritating foods for the gastric mucosa (spicy).
Alcohol and smoking cause irritation to the stomach wall and damage the cells of the digestive mucosa.
Indigestion, as a result of overeating or intake of fat foods.
Stress and anxiety stimulate the symptoms of gastritis. In this case, it is defined as nervous gastritis.
Causes of chronic gastritis
Long-term therapies with invasive drugs or abuse of cortisone drugs, pain relievers and anti-fever drugs.
Complex bacterial inflammation, such as the one dependent on Helicobacter pylori.
Autoimmune disorders generated by an abnormal immune system reaction that attacks healthy tissues.
Crohn’s disease, generated by chronic inflammation of the entire gastro-intestinal tract.

If you suffer from gastritis


Adopt a healthy and balanced diet, reducing spicy foods


Avoid alcohol, smoking and coffee


Reduce psychological stress by spending time on wellness treatments such as long walks or any activity that makes you feel good

prodotto Desmovit

The help of Gastractic and Gastractic Plus

With Gastractic® you can finally live your days without feeling the effects of annoying gastric disorders.

Thanks to the authenticity of the Mastic contained (Chios Mastic), all the benefits deriving from this component are scientifically proven by the EMA (European Medicines Agency).