Lingua Inglese

What is the gastro-esophageal reflux?

The Gastro-esophageal reflux, also referred to as GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease), is essentially the rise up of purely acidic material from the stomach into the esophagus. This symptom is mainly generated by an abnormal movement of the muscular valve useful for the transition of food, called the sphincter, which allows the gastric contents to pass upwards. Otherwise, a slowing of gastric emptying could occur, and therefore the passage of food from the stomach to the intestine, due to too large meals or particular foods (e.g. fatty foods).

Gastro-esophageal reflux is diagnosed in the presence of the following symptoms and factors:

Heartburn which involves a burning sensation that rises up from the stomach or from the lower chest to the throat and mainly occurs after a meal or during the night’s rest.

Regurgitation which occurs when some acidic materials rise back up to the throat or mouth. It generally occurs after large meals which, in the presence of reflux, entail digestive difficulties.

Anxiety and stress, even if they are not defined as the main causes, can amplify the symptoms.

Alterations in the functionality of the esophagus, unable to regulate the passage of food from the throat to the stomach and, vice versa, to allow the stomach contents to return to the esophagus.

Smoking is considered a very important risk factor, since it alters the salivary composition, the functionality of the sphincter and increases the acid secretion of the stomach

Abdominal fat present in massive form, increases gastric pressure and promotes the reflux.

Gastric acidity can also be caused by a decrease of salivary Ph, which is normally slightly basic, and therefore is no longer able to buffer any acid that rises up along the esophagus.

If you suffer from gastro-esophageal reflux


Adopt a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding fatty and fried foods. Also pay attention to foods and substances such as tomatoes, carbonated drinks, too spicy foods


Avoid alcohol and smoking


Avoid lying down and/or resting after eating

prodotto Gastractic e Gastractic Plus

The help offered by Gastractic® and Gastractic Plus:


Prevention: Gastractic 6 cps/day, 2 in the morning, 2 at mid-day and 2 in the evening before main meals.

Symptomatic: Gastractic Plus dissolve or chew one tablet as needed.

Thanks to the Mastic contained, Gastractic® and Gastractic Plus can be useful in supporting the physiological functionality of the digestive system. It can be used by doctors in the context of:
Reflusso e acidità gastrica

Gastritis and gastric acidity


Inflamed gastric tract

Terapie invasive

Invasive drug therapies

Equilibrio acido-basico dell’organismo

Acid-basic balance of the body